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Yes, I've Moved Abroad!

Travel is soul-shaking and that’s what inspired me to relocate to Lisbon, Portugal!

Moving abroad is a huge commitment, but leaving the US was, without a doubt, one of my best decisions.

I sold my house, packed up my family, applied for my visa, had a successful consulate meeting, prepared my dogs, and boarded a flight to Lisbon, Portugal.

Lisbon is a beautiful city! The country of Portugal supported my lifestyle, the climate I love, and the over-all quality of life I’ve always wanted to achieve for myself. I left behind my political frustrations, healthcare costs, and a car-bound lifestyle to live in relative peace and safety in a city that was charming, walkable, and welcoming.

I feel safe.

I love that where I now live is progressive, diverse, and balanced elegantly between liberal discovery and conservative tradition. I adore that I can jet off to Paris, Madrid or even Morocco for the weekend. Portugal has opened my eyes to how work-life balance could and should be.

Lisbon ranks as one of the top European cities for economic development, excellent educational opportunities, and outstanding healthcare. It even ranked 2nd place in the ‘feeling at home’ category.

I’ve made some incredible memories with many more to come. Making the move to Lisbon has been an exhilarating change from my life in the US. Supplemented, of course with amazing food, daily fresh bread, and rich wine!

Generally, life in Portugal has taught me that slowing down and taking my time doesn’t have to get in the way of productivity. In fact, taking time to find peace and focus on myself has enhanced my life. Moving to Lisbon has brought me a sense of inner peace and allowed me to focus on myself creating a shift in my thinking and perspective. I love learning about my new city and all of its layers.

I hope that these little slices of ME inspire you to visit Lisbon, embrace travel or lift the veil on making the decision to move abroad. Follow my discoveries!



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